Show Notes – December 21st, 2015

The first website went online 25 years ago today If the web were a person, it wouldn’t have trouble renting a car from now on: the world’s first website, Tim Berners-Lee’s World Wide Web, went online 25 years ago today. The inaugural page wasn’t truly public when it went live at CERN on December 20th, 1990 (that wouldn’t happen until August 1991), and it wasn’t much more than an explanation of how the hypertext-based project worked. However, it’
Court says ridesharing for flights is illegal If you had hopes that the FAA’s ban on ridesharing flights would be reversed… well, you’re in for a disappointment. A Washington, DC court has ruled that pilots need commercial licenses for these services to work. You’re a carrier in that case, not just splitting expenses like the plaintiff (Flytenow) claimed — and that means you need the “experience and credentials” to ferry passenge
Web status code tells you when sites are censored With a few exceptions, web status codes are meant to indicate errors. A 404 page shows up when you tried to reach content that wasn’t found, for example. However, there’s now a code for those times when that absence is all too intentional. The newly published 451 code (a nod to Fahrenheit 451, naturally) lets site hosts and network providers warn you when censorship and similar “legal obstacl
Sky to turn porn filters on for all new broadband customers Soon, Sky’s home broadband will come with its adult content blocker switched on by default. From the moment a new package is “activated,” subscribers will find that the company’s Broadband Shield is enabled with child-friendly settings. That means only sites suitable for 13-year-olds or younger will be accessible before 9pm, followed by anything compatible with its 18-rating thereafter.
London’s entire Boris bike fleet will soon have laser lights Boris bikes have never been London’s trendiest form of public transportation, although they picked up some much-needed style points earlier this year thanks to a laser-projected light system. At the time it was limited to 250 two-wheelers, but today Transport for London (TfL) has announced the trial will be expanded to all 11,500 Santander bicycles in early 2016. The Blaze Laserlight projects a gr
Snap a Photo in Your Home to Tell LG’s New Robovac Where to Clean Robovacs make at least one household chore a little easier, but with limited intelligence you can’t just tell them what rooms need cleaning. So LG’s HOM-BOT Turbo+ introduces a new feature which allows users snap a photo of their home and simply tap where the robovac needs to make another pass.The new Home-Joy feature is available through the HOM-BOT Turbo+’s free accompanying app, and the augment
Here’s the Reason The FAA’s Drone Registration System Doesn’t Make Sense Last week, the US Department of Transportation and FAA released their rules governing drones, model aircraft, unmanned aerial systems, and quadcopters – a rose by any other name will be regulated as such. Now that the online registration system is up and running. The requirements for registering yourself under the FAA’s UAS registration system are simple: if you fly a model aircraft, drone, contro
Senator Accuses Tim Cook of Omitting Facts About Encryption by Omitting Facts About Encryption Apple CEO and modestly-sized slice of multigrain toast Tim Cook went on 60 Minutes last night. His appearance lacked big, buzzy announcements, but Cook received a strong reaction from Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), who claims Apple will soon be a go-to company for child pornographers if it doesn’t change its encryption. “Apple is a distinctive company that has improved the lives of millions of American
Thimble wants to ship you tinkering kits every month A Kickstarter project aims to be the perfect solution for the DIY crowd. Thimble, which has already beat its pledged goal of $25,000, says it wants to deliver different electronic kits to tinkerers every month, with the first of the series being a WiFi robot. Those of you who are interested can use these do-it-yourself care packages to learn to code, build and hack, helped by guided tutorials and
Sad Man Sues Game Company After Losing Wife and Job to Fallout 4 Addiction It sounds like a viral marketing project. A Russian man is suing Bethesda Game Studios after he went on a three-week-long Fallout 4 binge, a confusing decision that led to his boss firing him and his wife leaving him. Heck, it might be a viral marketing project.And yet, there is paperwork. “If I knew that this game could have become so addictive, I would have become a lot more wary of it. I would
Lawsuit demands the right to resell Steam games One of the biggest gripes about downloadable games (unless you’re a developer) is that you can’t typically resell them — that title is yours forever, even if you’ll never play it again. French consumer group UFC-Que Choisir is doing something about it, though. It’s suing Valve to demand resales for Steam games. Its policy violates the European Union’s right to resell legally purchased software, a
Database error publishes info of 3 million Hello Kitty fans Online researcher Chris Vickery uncovered a database this weekend containing the personal information of 3.3 million accounts associated with Hello Kitty Online and official Hello Kitty websites, including, and The information included users’ first and last names, birthdays, genders, countries of origin, email addresses, password hashes, password hint qu
Go Register Your Drone Right Now (Credit Card Number Required) Today’s the day, folks. Today, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) will let you register your drone on a brand new and surprisingly sharp-looking website. Well, saying the government will “let you register your drone” is putting it lightly. The FAA is forcing you to.New drone rules mean that any aircraft weighing more than 250 grams needs to be registered. The owner’s name and address will b
Suck It, Hippies: Study Shows Material Things Can Bring Happiness Over the past several years, a number of surveys have come out extolling the benefit of experiential goods versus material goods. But those studies may have missed something crucial, according to a new study by Canadian psychologists.Supposedly, experiential gifts provide people with more happiness than material gifts. A picnic is better than a food processor. Guitar lessons are better than a CD.
The kid who unlocked the iPhone just built a self-driving car in his garage In 2007, 17-year-old George Hotz became the first person to carrier-unlock an iPhone. Two years later, he was the first person to break the security on the Sony Playstation. This year, Hotz unveiled a self-driving car that he built in his garage. In this video, Hotz demos it to Bloomberg’s Ashlee Vance.
Hillary Clinton’s private server had two ‘top secret’ emails Those concerns that Hillary Clinton’s private email server had classified intel? They’re apparently well-founded. Sources for Fox News and Politico maintain that two of the messages sent to Clinton were labeled as “top secret” when fresh. One of them was eventually reduced to “secret,” but critics say that’s beside the point: they’re worried that the email wasn’t subject to tou
Got a drone? It’s registration time, says the FAA (credit: Microdrones Gmbh) The US Department of Transportation has launched a “streamlined and user-friendly” online registration process for aerial drones, starting today. New regulations announced in October require all drone owners to register. In the view of the Federal Aviation Administration, drones or “unmanned aircraft systems” (UAS) qualify as aircraft, even if ope
Build a Super Cheap Gaming PC with Old Server Parts You can build a pretty decent computer with a small budget. But if

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