Show Notes, November 18th, 2013

  Martin talked about – powertrekk is the battery charger   National Lawyers Guild Mass Defense Coordinator Abi Hassen who called in about Jeremy Hammond’s sentencing (activist hacker).  We all talk about the computer fraud and abuse act, from 1984 (find out more about it at (weev’s site)   Coin: Is This All-in-One Credit Card […]

Show Notes Nov. 11, 2013

Jack of is live on the air with us tonight We’re going to talk about ebook publishing, Bitcoin and the Engadget Expand Conference. * 3d 100+ Android 4.4 Is Out: 6+ Reasons You And Your Non-Techie Friends Should Care Android KitKat is out, and there’s no way you’ve missed it. Whether you’re an […]

Show Notes November 4th, 2013

1988 news report about the first computer ‘virus’ to spread via the Internet. This particular virus, known as the Morris worm, was written by Cornell student Robert Morris and distributed on this very day – November 2 – 25 years ago. News Feed launches in-browser vintage computer emulation JSMESS powers Historical Software Archive. 6d […]