Lena & Rose Regina talk about laptops and travel.
Martin joins and Lena starts talking about 3D Heights a shop at 4048 Broadway between 172-173 St New York NY 10031 which offers 3D printing services including but not limited to 3D designing, 3D scanning, 3D classes, prototyping, education, architecture, and self portrait replicas.

A year ago we interviewed My Urban Click of http://myclickurban.com/ and now we’ve touched base to find out how they’re doing. Now they have an android app! They’re updating their ios app.
My Urban Click has an app available on your Android and iOS devices.  |

To learn more about Jessica Ann Mitchell and Our Legaci, email OurLegaci@gmail.com
Martin and Jessica talks about the possible impact of facebook throttling the reach of facebook fan pages
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