Show Notes – Monday Sept 24th, 2012

Iran announces plans to create isolated local internet system, fate of global access unknown Riot breaks out at Foxconn’s Taiyuan plant, reportedly over guards beating up a worker Android turns four, enthusiasm for dessert foods unabated 11-year-old wins $20,000 at AT&T hackathon for creating app that discourages texting while driving What’s a Good Replacement for […]

Show Notes – Monday Sept 17th, 2012

At the top of the hour Lena talked about Pegatron reportedly nabs 50 to 60 percent of iPad mini orders, breaks up Foxconn’s monopoly from – Engadget Twitter hands over Occupy Wall Street protestor’s updates under pressure BitGym Motion SDK brings Kinect-style games to Android and iOS, no huge living room required (video) […]

Show Notes – Monday Sept 10th, 2012

Greetings Internet! On Monday night a number of topics were discussed. Nintendo had plans for a knitting machine controlled by game console web app that makes color knitting patterns: web app to design custom icelandic sweaters: imdb – The Internet Movie Database Creative Commons and Feature Films The Gamers: Hands of Fate […]

Blog Resurrection

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