At the end of the show Martin and Lena joke about Lena’s husband being the devil because he plays D&D.
Martin would like to apologize for the joke.
Lena would like to provide proof to its validity.

E.T. & Lena
Martin comes on the show to talk about snap chat – and we share our distrust of it and the claim to its ethereal nature.
We also talk about pecanpie pringles.
Martin & Lena discuss MSG
a new crowdsourcing site which is really cool
Engadget’s Holiday Gift Guide 2013: Peripherals Welcome to Engadget’s holiday gift guide! Head back to our hub to see the rest of the product guides as they’re added throughout the month. Peripherals sound about as exciting as a trip to the dentist, but trust us: Companion devices have plenty …
Any.DO’s Cal app vies for your attention on Google Play While a ton of calendar apps already populate Google Play, we bet Any.DO fans will still be happy to hear that Cal has finally made its way to Android-land. The software retains most of its iOS counterpart’s features, including built-in access to …
China warns banks against using Bitcoin We’re pretty sure no Government is entirely thrilled at the idea of Bitcoin, but China’s now made its feelings very explicit. The nation’s various regulators have barred banks from dealing in the electronic currency, saying that it doesn’t have legal …
Google now lets you download your Gmail and Calendar data Sure, if you delve far back enough into your Gmail history, you’ll likely find some conversations you’ve been happy to forget, but remembering that job offer/email from grandpa/successful eBay bid is sure to brighten your day. Starting today, …
Patent Troll Bill Clears House With Huge Majority snydeq writes “The U.S. House of Representatives has passed the Innovation Act, dealing trolls a severe blow despite opposition from universities looking to protect patents, InfoWorld’s Simon Phipps reports. The act cleared the House of Representatives with an overwhelming majority of 325 to 91 despite opposition from the organizations most likely to feed new patents to the trolls. ‘So bravo
Hacking: Any Different From “Creative Solution”? What is your definition of hacking? What types of hacking are you familiar with? Do you get annoyed when people only take the narrow view of hacking as a negative activity? I’d like to take a moment to remind everyone of the wholesome origins of hacking, and how the misconceptions of a few journalists can change the meaning of a word worldwide. Hacker: the loaded word “A hacker is someone who enjo
Redbox Instant hits Windows Phone, will remain Lumia-exclusive for 60 days After launching on iOS and Android almost a year ago, the mobile version of Redbox Instant by Verizon has finally arrived in the Windows Phone Store. Aside from a few cosmetic changes and added Live Tile support, the new app works exactly like its cross-platform counterparts, offering movie streaming and maps to nearby Redbox kiosks. An $8 monthly subscription also covers the rental fees for up t
Google Adds Hands-Free Voice Search to Chrome Chrome: You no longer have to tap the microphone or use a keyboard shortcut to launch Google Voice Search on your computer. Instead, just as you can on mobile, just say “OK Google” to ask Google to look something up, convert things, and more.You’ll need to install the Google Voice Search Hotword extension first. According to the Google Operating System blog:”Chrome will listen for
The Five Types Of Social Media Complainers Managing a social media account is not easy. Take it from us: we manage a Facebook account with over 240,000 fans, a Twitter account with close to 70,000 followers, and a Google Plus account with over 50,000 circlers. We get bombarded with some of the most absurd requests, questions and comments known to man. Yet, it’s our job to address them professionally. As a company, running a customer suppor
Unpublished J. D. Salinger Stories Leaked On Bittorrent Site 192_kbps writes “Catcher in the Rye author J. D. Salinger wrote the short story The Ocean Full of Bowling Balls and left depository copies with a few academic libraries with the understanding that the work would not see mass distribution until the mid-21st century. The only authorized place to read the story is in a special reading room at Princeton where electronics are not allowed and a lib
New CC licenses: tighter, shorter, more readable, more global Creative Commons has released version 4.0 of its sharing-friendly, easy-to-use copyright licenses. The new licenses represent a significant improvement over earlier versions. They work in over 60 jurisdictions out of the box, without having to choose different versions depending on which country you’re in; they’re more clearly worded; they eliminate confusion over jurisdiction-specific rights li
NYC Will Try To Ban E-Cigs In Bars, Restaurants, Public Places Not content with prohibiting the sale of e-cigarettes to anyone under 21, the City Council and the Bloomberg administration are working to add e-cigs to the city’s 2002 Smoke-Free Air Act, thereby banning the use of the vapor-emitting devices in restaurants, offices, parks, beaches and other public spaces. In an announcement dumped on Thanksgiving-eve, the City Council argued thus: [ more › ]
Report: NSA spied on radicals’ porn habits – Rapid City Journal Report: NSA spied on radicals’ porn habitsRapid City JournalThe Huffington Post cited a secret National Security Agency document that allegedly reveals the U.S. agency spied on the online sexual activity of Islamist radicals in order to find ways to discredit them. The website said the document, leaked by ex-NSA …
KillSpinners Stops Pages from Loading After Set Time Firefox: It’s no secret that Firefox takes up a lot of your computer’s resources, and pages that load for a long time—I’m looking at you, HuffPo—can end up freezing or crashing the browser. KillSpinners stops that from happening.The extension lets you select how long any web page can be loading for, after which it will kill the process and save your computer the burden. By default, it’s set to 30
The Smithsonian’s X 3D Project Brings Rare Artifacts To Life, In Your Browser Amelia Earhart, the first female pilot to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean, wore a flight suit specifically designed for women (a rarity at the time), with a wide belt and three buttons that closed diagonally across the front. The belt was 2 inches wide, to be exact, and the whole suit was made of tan leather. I know this not just because I read up on the suit, but because I saw an incredibly ac
Leaked NSA report reveals push for new surveillance powers A new report in the New York Times by James Risen and Laura Poitras details how National Security Agency officials seeking dominance in intelligence collection, “pledged last year to push to expand surveillance powers,” according to a top-secret strategy document leaked by Edward Snowden. In a February 2012 paper laying out the four-year strategy for the N.S.A.’s signals intelligence op
NSA hacked 50,000 global networks (Click to embiggen) A new Snowden leak sheds more light on Tailored Access Operations, a catalog of standard attacks against routers and other Internet infrastructure. The new leak details the deployment of malware against 50,000 computer networks worldwide, in cooperation with GCHQ, the British spy agency. The program dates back to 1998, and the infected networks are referred to internally as
Honda introduces the MC-beta, a micro-sized electric car that’s smaller than most Following the footsteps of other tiny electric vehicles such as the SmartCar ForTwo and the Mitsubishi i-MiEV, Honda has unveiled its very own miniature car called the MC-β (That’s MC-beta to you and me). It looks to be a refinement of the company’s line of “micro commuters” and is designed to comply with the “micro-sized mobility products” category that’s currently the trend
Time management Tools: The Seldom Told Evolution From tally sticks in ancient times to scheduler apps in the digital age, time management tools have come a long way. Today we will see how the evolution of time management tools is just so amazing! When I gaze at and peruse the chart, I’m awed by the actual progression, the development of tools, in the form of the simplest memory and counting device that is aptly called tally sticks to the highly
The World If There Were Only 100 People Our population recently reached the 7 billion milestone; you are one in 7 billion. That is a lot of people and it’s hard to see the significance of the individual with such a large number. So what if we scaled down that huge population to just 100 individuals to see what makes up the world: If there were only 100 people: 50 are female, 50 are male. 26 of these are children and only 8 people are
City of Chicago and public-spirited hackers unveil the Chicago City Code Rogue archivist Carl Malamud writes, “Something pretty rare happened last week. City officials of Chicago got together with hackers from around the country to unveil a vastly better new online version of the Chicago City Code. Public.Resource.Org worked with the City to make bulk data available, the folks at the OpenGov Foundation turned that into the popular States Decoded format that folk
How To Protect Yourself On Facebook Did you know that out of the 1.26 billion Facebook users worldwide, 128 million are American users — 11,000 of whom are being watched by the US government? Over 600,000 Facebook login credentials are compromised daily, and one in four of those credentials will later be used for identity fraud. Here’s a list of do’s and don’ts to keep yourself safe on Facebook. Click to enlarge. via The Best Comput
What Is Special About the Nexus 5: Five Features Other Phones Don’t Have Google’s Nexus 5 was unveiled on Halloween, and you may be wondering what all the fuss is about. What exactly makes the Nexus 5 so special to the average user? For techies, it’s a hacker’s dream with a multitude of options for rooting and modding. But it’s great for other people, too: The Nexus program has evolved into something far beyond its nerdy beginnings. It’s now a popular consumer line wit
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