Show Notes, March 31st, 2014

Tonight we have

Jerry Castanos
3D Heights CEO
with us in the studio!

3D Heights NYC’s 3D Printer Store

Next week is


State-sponsored hackers are attacking news outlets on a massive scale It’s not hard to spot instances of state-sponsored hacking against dissidents and terrorism suspects, but it now appears that these attacks frequently target the press — and more often than you see in the news. Google security engineers report that…
Turkish court rules tweets are free speech Turkey’s country-wide Twitter ban has already been temporarily lifted on a national level, but the stay-of-execution wasn’t completely universal. One of the three court orders that prompted the original ban forced Twitter to use its Country Withheld…
Samsung’s new monitors include one with a billion-color, 3,840 x 2,160 screen Now that Samsung’s shown us the GS5, Gear 2 smartwatch and its latest Chromebook, it’s time for the company’s lesser-known product teams to come out of the woodwork. Next up: the display division, which today introduced three new models for 2014,…
Netflix signs Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin to original series, but what about Dolly? When Lily Tomlin, Jane Fonda and Dolly Parton came together to form the holy trinity of dark comedy in 1980’s 9 to 5, VHS was still relatively young. Fast-forward 34 years and your VCR (if you still have one) is likely covered in dust and cobwebs,…
Can Oculus survive the Facebook effect? The response was swift, and almost universally negative. Within minutes of Facebook’s announcement that it was acquiring Oculus VR for $2 billion, the internet had begun to mobilize against the deal. From Twitter to Reddit to our own forums, the…
Carbon Dioxide leak kills Samsung factory worker Korean news agency Yonhap News is reporting that a gas leak at a Samsung plant in southern Seoul has left one worker dead. A malfunction in the factory’s fire extinguishing system released carbon dioxide after it mistakenly detected fire,…
Songza taps Weather Channel data to suggest mood-enhancing music Songza is the psychiatrist of music apps, trying to figure out how you’re doing and come up with just the right music fix. It’s now teamed up with the Weather Channel, using its data to figure out if a sunset or rainstorm might be in your area. The…
Microsoft Makes Office Free for iPhone and Android Phones Microsoft today updated Office for the iPhone and Android smartphones and made the application suite free for home users. Previously, the app required a subscription to Office 365, which carried a monthly fee. iPhone and Android smartphone owners can now open, edit, and create Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files on their smartphone for no charge. Business users will still need to subscribe to Office
Spyware increasingly a part of domestic violence Australian Simon Gittany murdered his girlfriend, Lisa Harnum, after an abusive relationship that involved his surveillance of her electronic communications using off-the-shelf spyware marketed for purposes ranging from keeping your kids safe to spotting dishonest employees. As Rachel Olding writes in The Age, surveillance technology is increasingly a factor in domestic violence, offering abusive
i’m just kidding. facebook will store all the information you give it even when you use a fake name. archive – contact – sexy exciting merchandise – cute – search – about← previousMarch 26th, 2014nextMarch 26th, 2014: EXCITING THINGS HAPPENING TODAY: Issue 4 of The Midas Flesh comes out today! You can get it at your local comic shop, or online! To Be or Not To Be is in The Humble Ebooks Bundle! Name your own price, support charity, and get 10 books by a bunch of great authors including Yahtzee C
Catch up on PC Maintenance & Clear Your System With Glary Utilities Pro PC maintenance is one of those tedious chores that most people postpone until their machine is just barely limping along. You know who you are. Yes, you, with the five hundred desktop icons and ten minute boot time. Glary Utilities is designed for you. We’ve reviewed Glary before, but the latest version brings a lot of changes, including improved Windows 8 support and an entirely new look and layo
Obama administration preparing to propose legislation ending NSA bulk phone data collection The New York Times reports that the administration of U.S. President Barack Obama is preparing a legislative proposal that will completely overhaul the National Security Agency’s controversial bulk phone data collection program. Under the proposed legislation, the bulk records would remain in the hands of phone companies, and the NSA…
Cloak: A new ‘anti-social’ network that helps you avoid bumping into people Want to avoid bumping into your ex, frenimy, or an annoying co-worker? Cloak might be the solution to your problem. It is a free iPhone app that grabs location check-ins from your contacts’ Foursquare and Instagram accounts, and organizes them into a user-friendly map.
Tell the White House who you trust (or don’t trust) with your data President Clinton’s former Chief of Staff, John Podesta, is back in the White House, working with President Obama to assess the state of big data and privacy. A thorough review is currently underway, and you can contribute by filling out a survey…
BlackBerry liquidates most of its Canadian real estate BlackBerry has been signalling for weeks that it would

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